The struggle continues, online!

Many Support. Don't Punish campaign local partners have organised online events in response to the pandemic and the need to organise remotely. A great opportunity to connect and organise across distances.

The list below is constantly updated. If your online event is not included, please do not hesitate to drop us a line. Please note that events are listed according to the time when they are taking place in the countries where they’re being broadcasted from (so, be attentive to the time-zone – This timezone converter might be useful). Double-check the event’s websites to confirm details.

Multiple dates

III Festival Apoye. No Castigue
Leading organisation:  Instituto RIA, ReverdeSer Colectivo, LabSAD

Sensatez Virtual-Fest: apoyamos, no castigamos
Leading organisation:  LPSD, LPSD Costa Rica

Saturday, 27 June

Estigma y vulneración de los derechos humanos de los usuarios de cocaínas fumables
Leading organisation:
Fundación Ciencias para la Cannabis, Proyecto Epicuro | Time: 16:00 (Chile | GMT-4)

Understanding Harm Reduction and its Social & Health Benefits – WhatsApp chat
Leading organisation: KODA Nigeria | Time: 18:00 (Nigeria | GMT+1)

Friday, 26 June

Anyone’s Child Webinar Special: Take Drugs Seriously
Leading organisation: Anyone’s Child | Time: 08:00 (United Kingdom | GMT+1)

Canadian Youth Drug Policy, Then and Now
Leading organisation: CSSDP, Stimulus Connect | Time: 09:00 (Vancouver | GMT-7)

Towards Accelerating momentum for Reform – De-cluttering the Drug Narrative
Leading organisation: SSDP Nigeria | Time: 09:00 ( Calabar | GMT+1)

PEAC Weekly Meeting: Support. Don’t Punish
Leading organisation: Psychedelic and Entheogen Academic Council| Time: 11:00 (Los Angeles | GMT-7)

Prezantim i situates se droges ne Squiperi
Leading organisation: Aksion Plus, Marin Barleti University | Time: 11:00 (Albania | GMT-7)

Support Don’t Punish Virtual Global Day of Action
Leading organisation: Help Not Harm, Youth RISE | Time: 12:00 (Ireland | GMT+1)

Youth Talks Support Don’t Punish
Leading organisation: CSSDP, Stimulus Connect | Time: 12:00 (Vancouver | GMT-7)

Global Day of Action: Drug Policy Advocacy Training
Leading organisation: SSDP UK | Time: 14:00 (United Kingdom | GMT+1)

Les droits des personnes usagères de drogues au temps de la pandémie Covid-19
Leading organisation: ALCS, RdR-Maroc and HASNOUNA | Time: 14:00 (Morocco | GMT+1)

COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call for Criminal Justice Reform
Leading organisation: YouthRISE Nigeria | Time: 14:00 (West Central Africa | GMT+1)

Поддержать нельзя наказывать
Leading organisation: Trava | Time: 16:00 (Moscow | GMT+3)

El narcotráfico en entornos urbanos y las nuevas tendencias del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas
Participating local partner: ATS | Time: 16:00 (Colombia | GMT-5)

مقاربة قانونية لمشكلة الادمان:تنتصر لصحة الانسان وللفرصة الثانية
Leading organisation: Association RDR- Maroc Section Rabat | Time: 16:00 (Morocco | GMT+1)

Historias de abstinencia en tiempos de confinamiento
Leading organisation:
Cultura Cívica Cannábica, Psiconautica 11:11 | Time: 16:20 (Colombia | GMT-5)

Responding to an opioid overdose at home
Leading organisation:
New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition and Families for Sensible Drug Policy | Time: 17:00 (Newark | GMT-5)

Uncovering the Australian War on Drugs
Leading organisation:
SSDP Australia | Time: 17:00 (Sydney | GMT+10)

The Future of Drug Policing
Leading organisation:
Legalize Nederland | Time: 17:30 (Amsterdam | GMT+2)

2020 Global Day of Action: Introduction to Restorative Justice
Leading organisation:
SSDP UK | Time: 17:30 (United Kingdom | GMT+1)

Overdose Prevention in Ireland and Canada
Leading organisations: UCCSSDP, SSDP, TrinitySSDP | Time: 18:00 (Ireland | GMT+1)

Support. Don’t Punish. 2020
Leading organisation: Społeczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki | Time: 18:00 (Poland | GMT+2)

Alternativas a la vía punitiva en materia de políticas de drogas 
Leading organisation: ConFAC | Time: 18:00 (Spain | GMT+2)

Coronavirus e prisão: Liberdade é uma questão de saúde pública
Leading organisation: PBPD | Time: 19:00 (São Paulo | GMT-3)

Грижата за туѓото здравје е грижа и за своето
Leading organisation: Healthy Options Project Skopje | Time: 19:00 (North Macedonia | GMT+2)

Онлайн-встреча родственников осуждённых по статье 328
Leading organisation: Legalize Belarus, Students for Liberty | Time: 19:00 (Belarus | GMT+3)

Thursday, 25 June

“Support Don’t Punish” – Towards Humanitarian Drug Policy during the COVID 19 crisis (pass: redcross)
Leading organisation: Red Cross Red Crescent Partnership on Substance Abuse | Time: 09:30 (Geneva | GMT-7)

The role of the Menanpud network in defending drug users
Leading organisation: Association RDR- Maroc Section Rabat | Time: 16:00 (Morocco | GMT+1)

Cannabis medicinal para el tratamiento de adicciones en Colombia
Leading organisation: Universidad Javeriana, ATS | Time: 16:00 (Colombia | GMT-5)

Salas de consumo supervisado en Colombia
Leading organisation: Universidad Javeriana, ATS | Time: 17:30 (Colombia | GMT-5)

Nada que festejar: reflexiones en el Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Uso Indebido y el Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas
Leading organisation: RESET – Política de Drogas y Derechos Humanos | Time: 19:00 (Argentina | GMT-3)

Wednesday, 24 June

International Q&A Session – Support. Don’t Punish
Leading organisation:
LPSD, SSDP | Time: Multiple (visit the FB page for more info)

Tuesday, 23 June

¿Un mundo sin drogas es posible?
Leading organisation:
Ciencia Sativa, Centro de Prevención de Adicciones | Time: 19:00 (Argentina | GMT-3)

Saturday, 20 June

Drug policy in Africa: The best approach
Leading organisation:
SSDP Nigeria | Time: 19:00 (Nigeria | GMT+1)

Thursday, 18 June

COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call for Criminal Justice Reform
Leading organisation: YouthRISE Nigeria | Time: 14:00 (West Central Africa | GMT+1)

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