Survey: 2020 workshops

What would you like us to focus on during the webinar series planned for 2020?

This survey will help us gauge your interest in joining these online discussions. And, most importantly, to hear your views and interests in terms of what you would expect from them. Please respond by Friday, 28 August.


The COVID-19 pandemic situation might have limited our capacity to travel and gather, but it has also encouraged us to think of different ways to connect, including online. Questions of environmental impact and accessibility also provide food for thought in exploring the potential of exchanging remotely.

Our experience brainstorming online during the ‘Countdown to the 2020 Global Day of Action‘ webinar (accesible here:) was very positive and the responses to the survey we shared after the webinar show an appetite for more opportunities to learn together.

Moreover, during the 2020 Global Day of Action, local partners worldwide organised a broad range of successful online activities that further underscore the positive aspects of meeting virtually.


Over the next few months, we are aiming to develop a series of workshops to learn and strategise together. With the objective of strengthening our capacity to mobilise for policies, practices and narratives that favour human rights, empowerment and solidarity over stigma and punishment.

These online spaces *are not* meant to be “webinars”. While some issues might require presentations and support by external experts and facilitators, these spaces will be structured around collective discussion and reflection.


At this point, we are sharing this survey to gauge your interest in joining these online discussions. And, most importantly, to hear your views and interests in terms of what you would expect from them.

The questions below focus on themes, but please feel free to share additional suggestions and ideas.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to send them our way to [email protected]

Your support powers a global movement for care, solidarity & rights!