Support. Don’t Punish @ AIDS2018

We have partnered with the #10by20 campaign to make sure harm reduction messages stay front and central when it comes to the HIV response!

We are looking forward to meeting Support. Don’t Punish campaigners, old and new, at the upcoming 22nd International AIDS Conference! Please, join the activities that the campaign is involved in and do not forget to visit our Photo Booth at the Harm Reduction Zone.


The booth will be snapping away all week long at the Harm Reduction Zone (Booth #509 – Global Village). We have partnered with the #10by20 campaign to make sure harm reduction messages stay front and central when it comes to the HIV response!


Support. Don’t Punish: Campaigning together, resisting together
Monday, 23 July 2018 | 17:30 – 18:30 EECA Networking Zone (Booth 515) – Global Village
For the last 6 years, the Support. Don’t Punish campaign has mobilised thousands of people in 200+ cities in 95+ countries under one common purpose: bringing the war on drugs to an end. This workshop will showcase the campaign’s successes in the EECA region, reflecting on pending challenges and brainstorming ways to tackle them collectively.
With Juan Fernandez Ochoa (IDPC / Support. Don’t Punish ) & Olga Belyaeva (European Harm Reduction Association)

Support. Don’t Punish: Local Actions, Global Voices
Tuesday, 24 July 2018 | 
10:00 – 11:00 Harm Reduction Networking Zone (Booth 509) – Global Village
For the last 6 years, thousands of people from over 200 cities in 90 countries have mobilised under the Support. Don’t Punish banner to campaign for harm reduction and drug policy reform. Join us for a workshop in which we will unpick the campaign’s continued success, learn from local partners’ experiences and explore opportunities for engagement.
With Juan Fernandez Ochoa (IDPC / Support. Don’t Punish), Safir Soeparna (APCOM) & Yatie Jonet (Malaysian AIDS Council).


Best practices in Challenging Criminalisation: How has CC improved the human right for your community?
Sunday, 22 July 2018| NEMO Science Museum | Oosterdok 2, 1011 VX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Taking place at the 2nd Challenging Criminalisation Globally Preconference: Demanding Transparency, Dialogue and Action! (08:30 – 17:30) | Organised by AIDS Accountability.
An inter-disciplinary and intersectional initiative on un-policing identity, morality, sexuality and bodily autonomy. Panel participation by Juan Fernandez Ochoa (IDPC Campaigns & Communications Officer). Focused on the Support. Don’t Punish campaign.

Your support powers a global movement for care, solidarity & rights!