Support. Don’t Punish 2024 – Q&A Session

Ahead of the deadline of the call for expressions of interest on April 26th 2024, we are organising a Q&A Session to explain the campaign's way of working, discuss expectations for the Global Day of Action, provide guidance on applying to the Small Grants Programme and, in particular, create space to address questions and doubts ahead of the Global Day of Action on June 26th.

Ahead of the deadline of the call for expressions of interest on April 26th 2024, we are organising a Q&A Session to explain the campaign’s way of working, discuss expectations for the Global Day of Action, provide guidance on applying to the Small Grants Programme and, in particular, create space to address questions and doubts ahead of the Global Day of Action on June 26th.

Since the inception of the Support. Don’t Punish Global Day of Action 12 years ago, campaigners in all corners of the world have mobilised decisively to counter the harmful ‘war on drugs’ and the many systems of violence and neglect at its heart, and to build sustainable alternatives based on harm reduction and decriminalisation.

The Support. Don’t Punish campaign has grown far beyond the expectations of its original proponents. The road travelled from the first Global Day of Action in 2013, which saw activities in 41 cities of 22 countries, has been challenging but also highly rewarding and punctuated by many victories. Over the past 12 years, the campaign has seen local partners organise over 2,000 activities in 125 countries, a testament to a global commitment for fairer policies and practices that serve, rather than harm our communities.


The most recent iteration of the campaign has seen at least 297 cities and 96 countries represented, with events of all types taking place around the world on June 26th each year. Events have ranged from demonstrations and panel discussions, formal advocacy engagements with policy makers, to movie screenings, sports events, and other arts and cultural activities.

To bolster our collective efforts, and support local partners’ own priorities and means of action, the campaign produces resources in English, Spanish and French – including, for instance, this series of visual assets to facilitate the dissemination of key concepts, from drug decriminalisation to bodily autonomy.

Ahead of the 2024 Global Day of Action, the Support. Don’t Punish campaign has launched our annual call for expressions of interest for the Global Day of Action’s small grants programme, which provides support (for grants of an average of US$450) for the realisation of activities around the 12th Global Day of Action, on 26 June.

To ensure the widest possible access for the Q&A session, we are organising two sessions on April 22nd:

Until then, if you have any questions, please drop us a line by e-mail.


Your support powers a global movement for care, solidarity & rights!