
Nous sommes reconnaissants aux organisations suivantes pour la confiance, le partenariat et le soutien financier, qui assurent la continuité, le développement et l’impact de la campagne. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez discuter d’un futur partenariat avec nous.

Elton John Aids Foundation

The Elton John AIDS Foundation is one of the foremost independent AIDS charities in the world. EJAF funds frontline programmes that help to alleviate the pain - whether physical, emotional or financial - of those living with, affected by or at risk of HIV/AIDS, and to continue the fight against this worldwide pandemic so that no one is left behind.

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Elton John Aids Foundation

The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF)

The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is the first international fund that specifically aims to strengthen international networks across the world. RCNF is a cooperation of donors and civil society networks that are active in the area of HIV. The Fund provides both programmatic and core funding to international civil society networks and pays particular attention to inadequately served populations (ISP), the communities and populations most in need of effective HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

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The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF)

Open Society Foundations

The OSF Global Drug Policy Program supports reforms that promote security, social justice, sustainable development, human rights, and public health. The Program's civil society partners work with governments to promote real debate on drug law reform. The Program and its partners research the impact of current drug policies, as well as alternative approaches that have yielded more positive results.

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Open Society Foundations

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