Support don’t punish: last “propagandist” party
Leading organisation: Trava
Supporting organisation: Human Library, Russian Forum of People Who Use Drugs, Narkprosvet
Currently, the state is discussing the law against drug “propaganda”. “Propaganda” can be understood as any information related to drug usage, as well as scientific research and harm reduction guidelines. Also, the NGOs providing harm reduction services are under pressure and have been already fined for “propaganda” as for an administrative crime.
We will organize an online-event with the discussion with human rights defenders, NGOs and journalists about this law and the ways to ban it, the discussion with bloggers, related with drugs, about the impact of their blogs and the way they see the threat of a new law, a closed workshop for the bloggers to solidarise and protect their rights, the presentations of drug education and dialogue formats that will suffer from the law (human library, a small workshop for teachers) and the brainstorming-presentation session with activist that will gather the ideas what can be done before the law is passed.
Everything will be online and for some of the activities we will use secure open-source services, not only zoom.