“Sensatez Virtual-Fest: Apoyamos, no castigamos”
Leading organisation: Latinoamérica por una Política Sensata de Drogas (Costa Rica)
Supporting organisations: Consumo Seguro (Costa Rica), LANPUD (Costa Rica), Deliberar (Colombia), Intercambios (Puerto Rico), LPSD (Colombia), LPSD (México), ACEID (Costa Rica) y Fundación Sulara (Costa Rica)
Workshops, exhibitions, cine-forums, concerts and exchanges on different virtual platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, to share experiences and research on alternatives to prohibition, persecution and punishment.
The topics covered will hinge on: 1) Laws, policies, human rights and drugs, 2) Safer consumption, 3) Drug checking and other analysis techniques, 4) Gender and drugs, 5) Drugs and first aid, 6) Sexuality and drugs, 7) Information management.
The idea is to, without stigma on drug use, key stakeholders join forces to reduce risks and harms, whilst creating spaces to exchange views on how to improve the conditions of the many communities affected by hegemonic policies and models to address drug-related issues.
The activities will be based virtually on videos, and a documentary compilation will be produced afterwards with the presentations and key statements, which we expect to send to international and local stakeholders involved in the development of drug policies and related matters.