Gitega, Burundi 2018

Gitega, Burundi – 2018

Gitega, Burundi 2018

Gitega, Burundi joined the 2018 Global Day of Action

Organiser[s] ABS, ANSS, BAPUD, JCM and ABMPD

On 5th July, the organisers convened to host different activities to celebrate the international campaign “Support. Don’t Punish” on the theme: “Listen First”. Gitega was chosen because it is the second town in Burundi and has a great number of people who use drugs. 2 activities were planned on that day: A sensitisation work shop to celebrate the SDP campaign where presentations were given by the consultant OPC1 Dismas NTAKIBIRORA, Champion in the ministry of public security, who demonstrated to participants the different types of drugs in Burundi, the traffic and the harm of the drugs on the public health. Additionally, a football match was organised at Gitega Stadium where two teams, AMARAGO and Messager Gitega, played

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