Wakiso, Uganda 2023

Building momentum in solidarity for people centered drug policy in Uganda

Wakiso, Uganda 2023

Leading organisation: Teens Link Uganda (Teens Link)

Teens Link Uganda is a civil society organisation led by young activists from key populations that exists to promote and coordinate efforts to transform young key populations into leaders that can stand up for themselves and their communities to advocate and lead change that support young key population-focused interventions in sexual and reproductive health, HIV and harm reduction programming and policy development in Uganda.

In commemoration of this year’s 26th June, Support. Don’t Punish Global Day of Action 2023 in Wakiso City-Uganda, Teens Link will mobilize and engage over 60 frontline stakeholders including; policy makers, law enforcements, media, service providers, religious leaders and young PWUD community activists, allies and harm reduction champions donned in support don’t punish branded Run kits under the theme ‘The war on drugs is a war on people’ to Join the #SDP2023 campaign run as an initiative to build momentum in solidarity for People Centered Drug Policy in Uganda.

The campaign event will be used as a platform for reiteration to Call upon the Government to fulfil its commitment towards advancing drug policies that are people centered, balanced, compassionate, and humane in Uganda. In addition to underpinning connections between PWUD/harm reduction advocates, and legislators to fast track engagements to make amendments in the recent repealed Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act to eliminate punitive clauses before its re-tabled in parliament.