Bujumbura, Burundi 2021

Soutenez. Ne Punissez pas (2021)

Bujumbura, Burundi 2021

Leading organization: Burundi Association of People who Use Drugs ( BaPUD)

For the day of June 26, 2021, we intend to organize a press conference to show the national and international opinion via the media the quasi importance of harm reduction related to drug use in Burundi, insist on the change of policies around drug use and the respect of human rights for drug users in Burundi in general.

As a working strategy, the conference will target 15 of the most used media in Burundi, but we will suggest to journalists to share the information with others. It is up to the National Coordinator to present aspects and observations regarding risk reduction related to drug use and the respect of human rights for the community by advocating for non-imprisonment, harassment, discrimination and stigmatization for people who use drugs, while also focusing on women who also use drugs. We will also ask the press to accompany BAPUD in advocating for drug users to have access to the services recommended by the WHO.

Contact: [email protected]