Nairobi, Kenya 2020

Meaningful engagement and involvement of PWUD in harm reduction implementation

Nairobi, Kenya 2020

Leading organisation: Kenya Network Of People Who Use Drugs (KeNPUD)

Supporting organisations: Women Responding to Aids and Drug Addiction (WRADA), Triumph

KeNPUD plans for 2020 is to reach drug users with information and sensitization on COVID-19 by creating posters and other information, education and communication materials. Women who use drugs are most prone to challenges like sexual gender based violence and other violence and we will focus on virtual meetings with the women on ways of keeping safe, violence prevention , ways of reporting violence and where to get help. We will also run a campaign against any violence implicated on any drug users through any form. The campaigns will be through social media, street posters and conducting virtual conversation with different stakeholders.

We will push the government to provide shelter to homeless dug users and provide the basic needs in case of total lockdown. This will be done by writing letters to the relevant authorities. Stigma and discrimination remain the key hindrance to accessing comprehensive care among PWUD. In this case we will sensitize health care workers on harm reduction and minimizing stigma and discrimination among people who use drugs. Regarding sensitization on legal literacy among the PWUD we will conduct a “know your rights campaign” to make sure that PWUD are aware of their rights. We will continue with the community conversation and sensitization. KeNPUD will communicate to its network members on safe behaviour that limits the risks of transmission, we will share a directory with useful numbers and referrals points to members . We will have a risk communication campaign and develop community based prevention intersessions. We also plan to develop personal protective equipment for some PWUD. We will also provide washing hands jerricans and soaps to a few places.