Mumbai, Mahárástra, India 2020

Mumbai – 2020

Mumbai, Mahárástra, India 2020

Leading Organization: Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust

The Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust printed Banners and put them up in the city at various high visibility areas. A banner was also placed on their Ambulance car that went all around Mumbai so that people could see the messaging. Masks were procured with the Support.Don’t Punish logo and distributed to many individuals. These individuals wore the masks as a form of advocating and advertising for the campaign. Many Placards were also created as a part of the photo op. Individuals held the placards, sometimes while also wearing the masks with logo and with the banner at the backdrop. This placard was also stuck on a bike and a taxi which went all over Mumbai. The owner of the taxi and bike are both clients of the Rehabilitation Trust at the Targeted Intervention project for people whi injecti drugs.

Got various individuals, activists, healthcare workers and prominent personalities to make a video pledge to support people who use drugs. This was uploaded to Sankalp’s website and Facebook page. All the above activities were also shared on different social media platforms to generate more awareness.

Additionally, due to the COVID-19 lockdown in place, it wasn’t possible to conduct a workshop with the police, hence police officers were met on the road and outside the police station – they were provided the facemasks with the logo and given IEC material. They were also explained about the Support Don’t Punish campaign and the significance of the day and how they too can contribute positively and support drug users instead of punishing them.

Posted by Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust on Thursday, June 25, 2020